Must-Know Quora Statistics and Facts

⚡Quick Answer

  1. Quora has over 400 million active monthly users as of 2024
  2. In July 2024, Quora saw about 894 million visits, which includes everything—repeat visits, non-logged-in users, and even bots.
  3. The United States leads with 148 million users, followed by India with 100 million, and Europe with 70.5 million.
  4. The largest group on Quora is aged 25-34, making up 30.53% of users.
  5. Quora supports content in over 24 languages and covers more than 300,000 topics
  6. Technology is the star topic with 143.9 million followers, and it’s been the favorite for several years, including 2024.

Quora has become a go-to platform for millions of people to share knowledge, gain insights, and discuss a wide range of topics.

We think even more people would be interested in learning about this platform, so we’ve gathered some interesting Quora statistics that you might find intriguing.

🚀 Quora Usage Statistics

Did you know Quora’s user base jumped from 300 million in 2018 to over 400 million today?

According to Quora’s Internal Data, there are over 400 million active monthly visitors as of 2024.

However, Similarweb reports over 894 million visits for July 2024, which includes all traffic, such as repeat visits, non-logged-in users, and bots.

🧮 Our Estimation: Considering an increase of 100 million in 6 years, we believe it would reach about 500 million active monthly users by 2030.

🌍 User Distribution by Region

I thought India had the most Quora users, but it turns out the United States leads with 148 million, just like how Reddit is most popular in the US.

India follows with 100 million, and Europe rounds out the top three with 70.5 million users.

🌍 Region 👥 Number of Users (in millions)
United States148
Europe 70.5
United Kingdom22.5
Southeast Asia24
Middle East and North Africa20
Australia and New Zeland11

✳️ Quora Demographics

  • Quora attracts a diverse crowd, with 58.44% of users being male and 41.56% female.
  • When it comes to age, the largest group is 25-34-year-olds, making up 30.53% of users.
  • Right behind them are the younger 18-24-year-olds at 25.73%.
  • The 35-44 age group also represents a significant portion, accounting for 17.89% of the user base.

User Age Distribution on Quora

Source: Similarweb

↗️ Mobile Engagement

Mobile marketing is more important than ever, with so many people relying on their phones for everything online. We can see this trend in Quora’s stats too.

Mobile traffic makes up 3/4 of all visits to Quora, with 76.49% of users browsing on their phones and 23.51% on desktops.

🧲 Quora User Engagement Statistics

  • Users spend 4 to 11 minutes per session, which shows how much they enjoy the content on the go.
  • Businesses using Quora Ads see up to 4 times more conversions than on other platforms.
  • 67.8% of users research products online before buying, showing how Quora helps people make informed decisions.
  • 52.8% of users rely on consumer reviews, highlighting Quora as a trusted source for opinions.
  • 37.3% of users discover new brands through social media ads, making it a key place for brand exploration.
  • Quora’s audience includes many decision-makers, with users being 34% more likely to hold senior roles.
  • 63% of visits come from online searches, underscoring Quora’s role in providing valuable information.
  • Quora has a higher concentration of users aged 18+ with a household income of over $100K compared to other platforms like WSJ, LinkedIn, HuffPost, and Reddit.
  • The audience on Quora is highly educated, with 65% having a college degree and 28% holding a graduate degree.
  • Over half of Quora users, about 54%, report a household income exceeding $100K annually.
  • Quora users are 28% more likely to have a household income over $100K compared to the average adult.
  • They are also 37% more likely to be in management positions than the general adult population.

🗯️ Quora Topics Statistics

  • Quora offers content in more than 24 languages, covering over 300,000 topics.
  • Among these, Technology stands out as the most popular topic, boasting an impressive 143.9 million followers.

We conducted a quick search on Quora and found some interesting discussions about the highest activity rate topics among Quora users.

Technology has consistently been the top topic in several years, including 2016, 2018, 2020, and it remains the leader in 2024, reaching nearly 144 million followers.

Here’s a look at the growth of the technology topic over the years:

  • 2016: 5.3 million followers
  • 2018: 32.9 million followers
  • 2020: 88.3 million followers
  • 2024: 143.9 million followers

Other topics like Movies, Health, Music, Science, and Food are also among the most popular, often changing places in the rankings. However, Technology has never given up its top spot.

Final Words

We’ve gathered the most important and interesting Quora statistics in our article. We hope you found it informative!

If you have any new suggestions or know of updated numbers, please feel free to share.

We’re always eager to learn more! 🙂

  • Similarweb

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Nadia is a content writer with a B.A. in English and Spanish from Northwestern University. She crafts content for a variety of industries, including tech and business.
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Robin Hubbard
Robin Hubbard
2 years ago

As a longtime QUORA user (Feb 2016), I find many of your statistics suspect. Some key numbers do not match what I have observed, particularly 99% of questions are answered and good answer can generate 1 million views. According to you, only 13 million questions have been asked in 5 years when there are 400,000 Quora Spaces. Show me a 1 million views answer –there are a relatively few 10,000 or 100,000 views by a popular writer or answer that goes viral. This needs a link with research quality in-text citations, footnotes, or endnotes.

Nick Huss
Reply to  Robin Hubbard
2 years ago

Hi Robin, thanks for writing this comment.

Could you please elaborate on which specific numbers you found to be inaccurate other than 13 million you mentioned in your comment?

We’d be happy to take a look and make sure everything is up to date.


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